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    Thank you


    I have to be honest, when I joined First Derivative in 2005 as an Engineering graduate, I didn’t know much about Capital Markets and, looking back, I don’t think I would never have been able to break into such an industry at that time had it not been for First Derivatives. First Derivative provided that opportunity to myself and to many others. This company was revolutionary for Northern Ireland and it has just never stopped being revolutionary in its nature and I cannot quite believe what it has evolved into today. First Derivative have been spearheading women in Tech since I started with them and today it feels like a truly progressive company that is inclusive, diverse, and engaged in staff development and retainment. As someone who can be reluctant to take the spotlight and to take that next step, First Derivative has given me the support and encouragement to take on more opportunities at a time that has been right for me, and I have felt especially supported coming back into the workplace after having two children as they have helped to find the right roles for me to ease with that transition.

    The one thing I am glad to say First Derivative has never lost with time and growth, is that it is a consultancy firm with a community-feel – it is interested in and knows its staff and encourages friendships and opportunities for people to interact. I am now in a fortunate position to be able to get more involved in mentoring and progressing our talented staff as well as working with the Client. First Derivative, thank you for the many, great memories!

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