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    Women's Network


    Diversity, Equity
    & Inclusion Networks

    Women’s Network

    Women's Network

    The Women’s Network promotes inclusivity, advancement, and equal opportunities for all.

    We believe that women deserve to have a community where they can connect, collaborate and thrive. Our network is designed to be a platform for women to share experiences and gain new knowledge.

    We offer a supportive space where you can thrive, share experiences, and establish networking relationships, with the aim of informing their personal growth and professional development.

    We believe in the power of community and the strength of diversity. The network is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive space for women to connect, learn, and grow. We believe that by sharing our stories and experiences, we can inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.

    Throughout the year, the network organises events and activities, including panel discussions on topics such as career development and confidence, guest speaker sessions from women in industry, people spotlights, and networking events.

    The network is open to everyone at First Derivative, regardless of their department or role. The network is a place to share experiences with one another, as well as for them to connect with other members of the community through our events and activities.

    Learn more about the Women’s Network

    Pride Network

    We have adapted our recruitment procedures, educated our staff through training, and recently attended the New York and Newry Pride Parades. These are just some of the ways in which we demonstrate our commitment to supporting our LGBTQ+ community on a global scale.

    In 2019 we launched our Pride Network. The network is a forum for communication and support which is committed to advancing diversity and inclusion. The network organizes LGBTQ+ events and activities throughout the year, including participation in annual Pride parades, educational blogs, videos, and quiz nights, with more creative ideas being generated each month.

    The network also serves as a forum for communication, providing opportunities for LGBTQ+ staff to connect and share their experiences. The goal of this initiative is twofold: first, to ensure that First Derivative is an inclusive workplace where everyone can feel comfortable being themselves at all times; second, to create a more inclusive financial services industry.

    The Pride Network aims to:

    • Provide support for our LGBTQ+ community
    • Increase understanding amongst all First Derivative staff
    • Contribute to and help inform the business through engagement with Senior Management

    Multi-Cultural Network

    Our Multi Cultural Network promotes diversity, inclusion, and social action for all.

    The Network offers a safe environment where our people can address pressing social issues, promote cultural awareness, and educate the business on a global scale, with the aim of providing a channel where every voice will be heard.  The Multi Cultural Network hosts a range of different initiatives, including book clubs, insight events and guest speaker sessions.

    Through these initiatives, we aim to promote diversity and inclusion by providing a safe space for our people from all backgrounds to share their experiences, perspectives and ideas. The Network has a strong focus on education, with many of our events focusing on topics such as mental health, diversity and inclusion as well as business skills.

    Our Network aims to provide a platform where our people can share their experiences, perspectives and ideas. The Network has a strong focus on education, with many of our events focusing on topics such as mental health, diversity and inclusion as well as business skills. The Multi Cultural Network provides an opportunity for individuals from different backgrounds to come together in a safe environment to share their stories.

    Neurodiversity Network

    Diversity is a fundamental part of the human experience, and at First Derivative we celebrate the unique and valuable contributions of individuals with neurodiverse characteristics. By recognising and embracing the rich spectrum of neurodiversity, we aim to foster a more inclusive and understanding society.

    We strive to educate, engage, and empower both neurodivergent individuals and their allies. Through a variety of informative resources and supportive communities, we hope to promote acceptance, appreciation, and support for neurodiversity.

    Let’s celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to our world.

    Skills Diversity

    Skills are as diverse as the individuals who possess them, and our aim to celebrate the unique talents, abilities, and expertise that people bring to the table. We believe that embracing and valuing skills diversity is vital for fostering innovation, collaboration, and success in any organization or community.

    Whether you are a student exploring your own skills potential or a professional seeking to enhance your repertoire our TechSmiths or Evolve series’s will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to embrace the power of skills diversity.

    Alumni Network

    The First Derivative Alumni Network offers you the ability to stay in touch with former colleagues, enjoy social events and take advantage of many networking opportunities.

    The First Derivative Alumni Network offers you the ability to stay in touch with former colleagues, enjoy social events and take advantage of many networking opportunities.

    Whether you started here on a graduate program or made your mark later in your career, we want to help you stay connected to the friends you made at First Derivative.

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    starts here

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